Monday, July 06, 2009

Ross Kemp on Gangs

Ross Kemp is not under the influence of gangs (i.e. like "gangs" is a new drug or something, silly!). RKoG is documentary series where this actor treads the globe in search for the most dangerous gangs. Such as the infamous Mongrel Mob on New Zealand.

Now, MM-thugs are quite a sight.. many have their faces fully covered with tribal tattoos (maori-style). Can't get a blue-collar job with such a fashion statement. Then again.. these guys are not in business for pleasantries.

Ross Kemp also covers Rio's drug gangs and their legalized counterpart, the anti-gang police.. Strangely enough, it's the police who seems more corrupt and anti-ethical than the gangs they try destroy. It's known that the police themselves kidnap and hold high-ranking gang members for ransom. Some of the boys in blue also sell weapons for the gangs (with which they of course attack the police whenever possible) WTF?!

Even though there is a bit of empty "bad ass"-posturing on Kemp's behalf, the series doesn't moralize or revere the gangs. The take is pretty neutral which I dig. Can't stand these shockumentaries catered for the stupid masses..

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