Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rest in Peace, "Mikki the Rat"

??th ?, 2004 E.V. - 4th July, 2006 E.V.

Rest well in the Embrace of Eternal Night my beloved Mickey..
You were the most sociable chap of the pack. I remember how you could just take a nap in the coach beside me. Like humans do.. heh. In your prime you weighted around 1,3 kilogram´s.. That is really a heavy league for a domestic rat! You could have devoured fucking rabbits for a breakfast.

Even though you were spared from a terminal diseases; old age and perhaps some unknown parasitic disease slowly gnawed your life-force away.. Resulting in general weakness and dementia. Yet you did not give up to that, you just enjoyed life (we noticed that) and clinged to it until the chemically induced final sleep. I had to make that decision for you, lest you would have suffered a slow and straining death.

I will miss you dearly.. your warm and jovial animal presence. You taught me an important lesson about Life and Death. "Memento Mori! Memento Vivere!!" Here´s a Toast for You! Send my regards to Mörtti and Johannes in the Great Rat Beyond..

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